Koha Catalogs

You have reached the landing page for Koha Catalogs hosted by Equinox.
Koha is an open source integrated library system used by hundreds of libraries world-wide.


Equinox uses the kohacatalog.com domain to provide default domain names for Equinox's Koha customers. However, Equinox considers the "Koha" name to be the property of the community of Koha users and developers, and considers the kohacatalog.com domain a resource that can be used by the entire Koha community.

To that end, if your library runs Koha and wishes to use a subdomain of kohacatalog.com (e.g., mylibrary.kohacatalog.com) to point to your Koha catalog, Equinox will provide free DNS service on request.

Please contact Galen Charlton at gmc@equinoxoli.org to make such a request.